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Three major challenges need to be solved for Chinese cutting tools to go international

time:2023-07-03 popularity:231

There are three issues that need to be addressed in order for high-quality Chinese products to enter the international market. One is the construction of shopping malls, the second is to break skill barriers, and the third is trade barriers.

Nowadays, the primary trade barrier is anti-dumping. In the process of anti-dumping, professions should not expect the government, as the government cannot be effective. The key is for professions and professional associations to be effective and united. The unsuccessful anti-dumping case against diamond products in 2006 has not yet been completed, only a preliminary victory. The US claimant is still in litigation with the US International Trade Commission. If the International Trade Commission loses the case, then anti-dumping will still be established, but this possibility is now relatively small. In addition, in terms of skill barriers, internationally, most of our companies have undergone layers of certification, starting with the earliest DSA and MPA, and now with the new OSA. During the anti-dumping period in the United States, the EU anti-dumping application has now been sent to the European Commission. Nowadays, the European Union has decided not to anti-dumping Chinese companies, and they can turn to another aspect by setting certain skill barriers, such as European certification. The next step for certain certifications will be very high for Chinese companies, and the cost will also be very high. For example, OSA certification now has this trace. Chinese companies need to start early on skills certification in the future. The leading company in South Korea for OSA certification has already done so three or four years ago, but there are still relatively few manufacturers in China, and obtaining this certification in the next step is becoming increasingly difficult. The next step is to pass certification and labeling as more useful barriers for products. Certification can cost a lot of money, but it must be done early and at the expense of money.

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